Thursday, June 6, 2013

Electric Car Parts - What You Need To Covert To Electric

If you are interested in learning how to convert your everyday gas car into a full electric car, check out this easy to follow ebook

There are quite a few options out there when it comes to electric car conversions. Some companies will provide full electric car conversion kits, and some will provide different electric car conversion parts, so that you can convert your car to your own tailored specifications. Some variables you will encounter is the weight and size of your car, and how short of long of a range you want to be able to drive between charges. In this post, I will discuss the three main electric car conversion parts that will be required.

  1. The Electric Motor. This of course, in most cases, will replace the internal combustion engine that powers your car. The electric motor will be connected to your stock transmission and drivetrain, and is what provides the power to the wheels to get your car going. In an electric motor, there is only one moving part that generates the electricity required, whereas in an internal combustion engine, there can be hundreds of moving parts. This means that as long as you have a good electric motor, they will be very reliable in the long run and require very little maintenance.
  2. The Electronic Controller. In most internal combustion engines, the accelerator pedal (throttle pedal or gas pedal) is mechanically connected to the throttle body, which controls the amount of airflow coming into the engine. The farther the pedal is pressed down, the more air and fuel is allowed into the engine's combustion chamber, making your car accelerate faster. The purpose of the electronic controller is to incorporate the throttle body effect to the electric motor, since there is no airflow or fuel mixture inside the electric motor. The electronic controller will replace the mechanical aspect of the throttle pedal, keeping the same effect, though. The more you press down on the pedal, the more electricity is produced, making the car accelerate quicker.
  3. The Battery. The battery is what stores the energy provided to the electric motor, just like they store energy for our cell phones, laptops, TV remotes, etc. With an electric car conversion, you can have multiple batteries interconnected to each other. The more, higher quality batteries your system has, the farther you will be able to travel without having to plug in and charge the system.
electric car parts
electric car parts

These are the three main parts involved in an electric car conversion kit. There are a few other pieces that are required, such as the wiring of course, and the adapter plate to connect the electric motor to your car's factory gearbox or transmission. We will get more in depth about the rest of the parts in a later post, and also look out for a complete how-to guide coming soon.

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